Adamson Family Legacy

This blog was dedicated to my Sims2 Legacy Challenge household. Now that I have finished the 10 generation challenge I'm using it for other Sims2 related projects as well.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Stephan's Adventure

The last update left off with Stephan returning from an amazing adventure.

He still doesn't know what to think of everything that has happened. He doesn't know if he should tell anyone. Really, who would believe him? Posted by Picasa

Hungry again

Ever since Stephan got back home, he seems to be either hungry or tired all of the time. Perhaps the aliens did something to mess with his body chemistry.

One morning, shortly after his return, Stephan had just sat down for his second breakfast when suddenly his stomach started doing some strange twists and turns. He jumped up from the table, ready to call for the doctor or even an ambulance. Posted by Picasa

When suddenly...

His stomach seemed to expand before his very eyes. He no longer fit into his pajamas and had to change clothes really fast. The only thing that seemed to fit was a hideous green t-shirt with an alien's face on it. Somehow this seemed appropriate.

"Ahh, now I know why I've been so hungry and tired lately."

He remembered Hope's words after Iris' birth. She told him that if he wanted another child he would have to "have it yourself!" He doesn't think she will appreciate the humor of this, but he sure does. Posted by Picasa

Meditation helps

After digging through the bookcase, Stephan finds an old "What to expect" book from when Hope was pregnant. One chapter was dedicated to the importance of meditation. Stephan tried to meditate but kept seeing his hands as possible shadow puppets.

OK, so maybe yoga is not for him. "I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing - eating and sleeping."

Stephan rearranged his work schedule so that he could work from home. He didn't think that his co-workers at the hospital would be very accepting of his new "condition." Posted by Picasa

Life goes on

Calista loves doing anything she can to help out. She misses Gregory more and more each day so anything that can keep her busy is appreciated. Posted by Picasa

Hello Steffi

Steffi came to visit during a semester break from college.

After a quick hug and a few questions, Steffi and Calista fell into their old habit of playing red hands. Posted by Picasa

Adoption questions

"Mom, I never really told you how glad I am that you adopted me. How proud I've always been to be an Adamson."

"Oh Honey, you were always meant to be my daughter. I knew it as soon as I read about the orphanage fire. In my heart, I knew that there was someone in particular, someone very special I had to find and bring home. When I saw you, I just knew. You are my daughter." Posted by Picasa

It's that time again

When Steffi headed inside the house to see the rest of the family when Calista felt a strange chill up her spine. She could have sworn that she heard someone whisper in her ear.

What do you mean, "It's time?" Posted by Picasa

One last goodbye

As Calista looks over her family and friends, in her mind she says goodbye to each for a final time.

She has one last happy thought, Iris and the A+ paper she had brought home today. Then she knew that the voice had been right. It was time to go. Posted by Picasa


Before Steffi headed back to university she stopped for another goodbye to her Mom and Dad.

This was not the way she wanted to spend her semester break, but she was glad she was here when her family needed her. Glad she was able to finally tell Calista thanks. Posted by Picasa

Stephan keeps eating

Stephan is really ready for this child to be born. He feels that the only thing he ever wants to do is eat. And sleep. And eat. And sleep. Posted by Picasa

And eats

Day or night, it doesn't matter. Stephan keeps eating. Posted by Picasa

No Food For Joe

Even the ghosts are starting to notice Stephan's new habits. One night, as Joe was floating around the house that was never really his, he stops off for a midnight snack.

There was no food for him to steal. None! Stephan had eaten everything in the fridge. Posted by Picasa

Joe makes plans

"No food?" Joe decides that this has to stop. This ghost starts planning his revenge.

Stephan doesn't know it yet, but he's in for a big surprise. Joe has decided it's time to fight back. Posted by Picasa

Stephan and Iris

Stephan takes advantage of his time home from work to read to Iris. Usually his breaks in between sleeping and eating are when she's at school or asleep. But since it's the weekend they get to spend time together.

Stephan hasn't been able to convince Hope to tell the girls what's happening to him. It's almost as though Hope doesn't want to know. But Stephan feels as though the time is coming soon when she won't be able to avoid the issue any longer. Posted by Picasa

This Hurts!

Stephan was awakened from a sound sleep with an amazingly strong stomach cramp.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! HOOPPPPE!" Posted by Picasa

What is this?

By the time Hope finally makes it to the bedroom, Stephan has already had the baby.

"What the... I thought you were just fat! That it was some kind of depression or illness the alie... I mean, really! A man being..."

Yeah, Stephan was right. Hope had never really accepted the truth of what her husband was saying. Posted by Picasa


"What are we going to do with it? What will the neighbors say? We're not keeping it! Don't you dare cuddle that thing!"

Stephan ignores his wife as he checks over his new son. Ten fingers? Check. Ten toes? Check. Two eyes? Yep. One mouth? Sure enough. One cute little button nose? Oh yeah.

Looks like a healthy human child to the doctor in him. Looks like a miracle to the Father in him. Posted by Picasa

Stephan's Tirade

"Stephan. Honey. Are you crazy? We can't raise it. It's an alien."

"No, Hope. He's a baby. My baby. And if you think it's wrong, go look through those family portraits in the Great Room. Really look at them this time. I have. Especially this past few months.

"There's been at least twice in your family history that an Adamson man was abducted. Just like I was. There's been two other pregnant men in your family history. Just like I was. There's been two half-alien babies born in this house before.

"And Honey, one of those aliens was your ancestor. Go look at your great-great grandmother D'Alien's picture once more. Then look at your great-aunt Fiona's as well."

Hope was struck silent. She knew these paintings well. She just didn't want to believe it. She had tried so hard to convince herself that these two ladies had just had a "skin condition." And it almost worked. Posted by Picasa

Father and Son

While Hope stood silently processing all the things her husband had said, Stephan hugs and cuddles his new son.

"Don't worry," he whispers in his son's ears. "She'll come around. She has too much love in her not to do so. She'll soon love you almost as much as I do now.

As he loved and comforted his son he realized the perfect name for him. "I'll call you Ishmael. Posted by Picasa